A World Without Photosynthesis


Process of Photosynthesis

1.  Water is absorbed by the roots green plants is carried to the leavesm by the xylem.

2.  Carbon dioxide is obtained from air that enter the leaves through the stomataand diffuses to cells containing chlorophyll.

3.  The green pigment chlorophyll is uniqvely capable ofconverting the active energy of light into a latent form that can be stored in food andused what needed.

4.  Photosynthesis provide use with most of the oxygen we needed in order to breathe.

5.  We,turn in, exhale the carbon dioxide needed by plants and life because we reply on them as a source of food for ourselves and for the animals that we eat.
6. Green plants use energy from the sun to transform water,carbon dioxide,and minerals into oxygen and organic compourels.

The importance of photosynthesis

1. Plants use energy to make food.

2.plants use their leaves to make food for one another.

3.The importance is the chlorophyll in the cells of the plant absorbs light from to the sun to make food.

4. The importance is the plants can grow with a process called photosynthesis.

5. The plant absorb the water from the soil and this process called photosynthesis.

6. The importance is to help the plant make food.



How Will It Affect The Plants And Animal If There Is No Photosynthesis

1.The plant cannot make food.

2. The plant cannot grow.

3. The plant will die so there will be no food for the animals.

4.When plants die because the animals will not have.

5.The process of photosynthesis will stop,which means that we will slowly run out or oxygen.

6.The plants will die.

